A confused mind says NO. Synthesis takes away confusion. 
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Don't lose out on deals from simple analyzers. Underwrite quickly without sacrificing quality.  Make more reliable offers faster.
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Traditional analyzers are either too simple or too complicated. If too simple, you underwrite quickly and are missing out on deals or getting into deals you shouldn't. If too complicated, it takes a long time to underwrite hindering your ability to make enough offers to land a good deal. Synthesis solves this problem. Now you can underwrite quickly on all projects, all shapes and sizes.  

Here is why Synthesis is different:
  • Easy input of most important data points - You are guided through the quickest way to enter the most important variables to make more quality offers, faster.
  • Bridge Loans to Perm Refi -  Value-adds need a refinance option. What is your return if you choose to refinance? Quickly determine if the deal allows for the value you need at refinance. 
  • Bridge Loan Proceeds - Calculating your loan proceeds accurately is a big deal. If you get that wrong you won't have enough capital to execute your business plan correctly.  Synthesis quickly guides you through eligible portions of the rehab budget which can be funded by the bank. This enables you to move forward with confidence that your capital raise is sufficient. 
  • Prefs and Hurdles - Set Preferred Returns and Hurdles/Waterfalls. If the project achieves a certain return the profit splits to Sponsor and Members can be set differently. Offer better splits on projects at the beginning without guessing. 
  • Pref Equity & Accrue - Want to use Pref Equity but don't know how to model it? Synthesis models Accrue and profit splits that allows the Sponsor to see if the project is a good fit for Pref Equity.
  • Two Classes of Equity - Want to provide different splits and returns to different classes of equity shares? For example:  An investor wants to give a 500K investment but requires a better return, Synthesis allows you to model different return structures for that class of Equity. 
  • Joint Venture? - Synthesis is not just for Syndicators. Synthesis was made for Joint Ventures as well with different splits for different partners. Synthesis allows you flexibility to model scenarios for different partners which allows you to raise money faster. A confused mind says no. Synthesis removes the confusion for the Sponsor and the Partner/Investor.
  • How do you know what rent you can achieve on a value-add? -  This is one of the biggest unknowns by most operators. For example: If you are turning 50% of the units over an 18 month period what is the average rent achieved for the year? Synthesis models value-add turns on a month by month projection to allow you to see how and when you can achieve your target rents. 
  • Dashboard - Everything in one view which allows you to see all the important data points and enables you to make quick adjustments on the deal. 
  • And much more - sign up today to get notified of launch and get the edge you need.
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